Oregon Security Deposit Laws

Most landlords in Oregon require tenants to pay a security deposit prior to signing the written rental agreement and moving in to the dwelling unit. And understandably so, security deposit funds helps provide a layer of financial cushion to landlords under certain circumstances during a tenancy. For example, in the event that a tenant is unable to pay the last month's rent deposit, a tenant breaks the terms of the rental agreement, or they end up causing excessive rental damage to the premises. Be that as it may, there are rules that landlords…
Oregon Rental Laws - An Overview of Landlord Tenant Rights in Eugene

In the state of Oregon, a lease or rental agreement is established after a residential landlord accepts a rent payment in exchange for allowing a tenant to inhabit their property under Oregon landlord-tenant law. And once this is done, both landlords and tenants in Oregon obtain certain rights and obligations under the Residential Oregon landlord-tenant law. As a landlord in Oregon, it’s important that you familiarize yourself, as well as your tenant, with the state laws and Oregon state landlord-tenant laws. It is important you abide by these…